It’s time to MSP your IT!

WonderLAN is a Managed Service Provider that offers a comprehensive range of IT services to businesses and organizations, encompassing network monitoring, server management, desktop support, security solutions, and more. We diligently manage and optimize your company's IT infrastructure, ensuring seamless operations and swift resolution of any issues. Employing proactive measures, our continuous monitoring systems promptly identify and resolve potential IT issues, minimizing the risk of major problems, thereby preventing costly downtime and ensuring the perpetual currency and security of your IT systems.

The era of expansive Information Technology departments and your company cluttering a closet with substantial hardware has become obsolete.


    MSP (Managed Service Provider) and RMM (Remote Monitoring and Management) services are both related to the management and maintenance of IT systems and networks. Here's a brief overview of what each of these services provides:

  • On Premise Consulting

    On-Premise Consulting Services are consulting services that focus on advising and helping organizations with their IT infrastructure that is hosted on their own premises. These services are provided by consultants who have expertise in managing and maintaining IT infrastructure, including servers, networking devices, storage systems, and other IT equipment.

    On-Premise Consulting Services can include a range of services, such as:

    IT Infrastructure Assessment: Consultants will assess the current state of an organization's IT infrastructure, identify areas for improvement, and recommend solutions that align with the organization's business objectives.

    Design and Implementation: Consultants will design and implement solutions to meet the organization's specific IT needs, such as server upgrades, network upgrades, storage upgrades, and software upgrades.

    Optimization and Performance Tuning: Consultants will optimize and tune the organization's IT infrastructure to improve performance, security, and reliability.

    Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning: Consultants will help organizations develop a comprehensive disaster recovery and business continuity plan to ensure that they are prepared for any unforeseen events that could impact their IT infrastructure.

    Security and Compliance: Consultants will help organizations improve their IT security and ensure that they are compliant with relevant regulations and standards.

    On-Premise Consulting Services are typically customized to meet the specific needs of an organization. Consultants will work closely with the organization to understand its business objectives and design solutions that align with those objectives. The goal of these services is to help organizations optimize their IT infrastructure, improve performance and reliability, reduce costs, and achieve their business goals.

  • Cloud Based Services

    Cloud-based IT services are IT services that are delivered over the internet by cloud computing providers. These services can include infrastructure, platform, or software, and are hosted and managed by the cloud provider, enabling businesses to focus on their core competencies while leaving the IT management to the experts.

    Cloud-based IT services are highly scalable, flexible, and cost-effective, making them an attractive option for businesses of all sizes. Here are some of the key benefits of cloud-based IT services:

    Cost Savings: Cloud-based IT services allow businesses to avoid the capital expenditures associated with building and maintaining their own IT infrastructure. Instead, they pay for what they use on a subscription basis, resulting in significant cost savings.

    Scalability: Cloud-based IT services are highly scalable, allowing businesses to quickly and easily add or remove resources as needed, depending on their changing requirements.

    Accessibility: Cloud-based IT services are accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, allowing employees to work remotely and access the tools and applications they need from any device.

    Reliability: Cloud providers typically offer high levels of reliability and uptime, ensuring that businesses can access their IT services when they need them.

    Security: Cloud providers typically offer robust security features, such as encryption, firewalls, and access controls, to ensure that data is protected from unauthorized access.

    Cloud-based IT services can include a range of services, such as infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), software as a service (SaaS), backup and disaster recovery, and more. Businesses can choose the services that best meet their specific needs and requirements and can scale up or down as needed to align with their changing business needs.

  • Cybersecurity

    It's critical to take preventative methods to protect your information from being stolen, compromised, or attacked. It requires an understanding of potential information threats, such as viruses, phishing emails, and other malicious code. WonderLAN uses enterprise-level, endpoint protection which is being monitored to protect your data and your network.

  • IP Security and voIP

    Both voice and security services have now gone digital. Phone services are now voice over IP and security services are now utilizing IP NVRs and IP cameras. VoIP is becoming a cost-saving choice while enhancing convenience, and giving employees the tools they need for a modern, efficient workplace while IP security is creating a much faster method of review and response.

  • Copper/Fiber Installations

    Cable and fiber drops are essential elements of your network infrastructure. With over 25 years of installation experience, WonderLAN assures your company of the best network engineering standards. From blueprint build-outs to single pulls, all drops are professionally installed, velcro strapped, terminated, and labeled at both ends. Testing finalizes each drop for best performance.

Courses Coming Soon!

Who better to learn from than a successful technology company that has more than thirty years of experience. WonderLAN walks you through all of the phases of creating a local area network.


The End Result —

We care about your data.